Golden House

As a developing country, there is a gap between the rich and the poor in China. Once someone is determined to get the recognition of friends and relatives, it is easy to lose the normal thinking ability and judgment ability. They forget reason and go astray, which is usually an emotional release. MLM refers to the illegal behavior of the organizer and developers to obtain wealth through developers, or to require developers to obtain the qualification to join by paying a certain fee. Through the research on the phenomenon that young people go into pyramid selling without knowing it, we can see that young people are eager to win respect and recognition with money when they are not mature at heart. Through the research on this topic, I hope that more young people can recognize that and set up the right values. I expressed this phenomenon in a sarcastic way, hoping to arouse people's reflection that Is making money the most important thing in life?

photography space display

In the final space, I want to maximize the expression of the concept of "golden dream." I used gold leaf to express the room's magnificence, but as long as the viewer looks carefully, you will find the furniture and walls are torn and wrinkled traces. It is to reveal the form of pyramid selling is only a superficial "golden dream." Actually, everything is fake. Here, I kept hidden walls, floors, and other methods to convey information, and added a variety of methods, such as using a magnifying glass, stethoscope, funnel and other tools to obtain information in the room.

I plastered posters on the walls to express the overwhelming amount of information that people get when they join MLM organization. I conveyed to the audience by putting together gorgeous posters and messy garbage that the essence of pyramid selling is a fraud.
I repainted the small furniture, and I didn't paint the color evenly. I used uneven gold furniture to represent the essence of pyramid selling: Even if the future that pyramid selling organizations promise you i
I made a sound for this space. In my design, this voice comes from another room. People lie on the wall and listen to the voice of the next room with a stethoscope to express the behavior that when a person’s pyramid selling enters the organization, as time goes by, he or she goes from indifference to seeking “knowledge” actively. In this voice, I mixed noisy environment sound, all kinds of emotional view, and pyramid selling slogans. Meanwhile, I used a stethoscope and the action “Lie on the wall” to express the desire for the “golden dream”.
In the final space, I want to maximize the expression of the concept of "golden dream." I used gold leaf to express the room's magnificence, but as long as the viewer looks carefully, you will find the furniture and walls are torn and wrinkled traces. It is to reveal the form of pyramid selling is only a superficial "golden dream." Actually, everything is fake. Here, I kept hidden walls, floors, and other methods to convey information, and added a variety of methods, such as using a magnifying glass, stethoscope, funnel and other tools to obtain information in the room