
Landing Page:

The first impression is set to be as straightforward as possible by incorporating 7pm main visual element, a half circle with the logo and color palette. As users scroll down, 7pm ought to showcase an immersive experience by putting video clips with full bleed and short description to invite them to watch.
Browse Page:
User can browse 7pm videos and sort them chronologically or based on certain topic/interests. The thumbnails are presented on black and white with relatively simple visual to not overwhelm users.

Website (https://xd.adobe.com/view/eac17616-5324-4666-8311-70e78ff0c1d4-bf92/?fullscreen)

Video Page:
The main idea for this page is to encourage people to carefully digest and engage with the information they received through video content. This manifests in the bookmark with notes feature, thought provoking polls, and discussion section. However, 7pm forbids people to replying on other people comment to avoid hate and
misinformation. In addition, 7pm provides “Further Reading” section that links to The Saturday Paper or The Monthly article to further integrate Schwartz Media products.